Sabtu, 18 Mei 2013


1.    Simple Present tense
Present tense is used to :
1.      Express habitual action, e.g :
§  Ali always goes to school every day.
§  We usually study at night
§  They come to my house on Sunday
§  He often plays chess at noon
2.      Express general truth, e.g :
§  The universe is ruled by God
§  A year has twelve month
§  The earth revolved around the sun
3.      Express happen all the time :
§  Mary sings beautifully
§  The dogs bark loudly
§  She seems to be very tired to day
§  I work hard at home
The simple present tense often uses with adverbial of time, adverbial of place, adverbial of frequency, etc. E.g :
At night
On Sunday
Twice a week
Every week
Every day
Here, there

The formula of simple present tense :

Verbal sentence
(+) =  S + VI + O
         For the 3rd person singular (he, she, it), we add s to the main verb or es to the auxiliary.
Example : he  reads book every day
You read book every day
(-) = S + do/does + Not + O
Example : he doesn’t read book every day
You don’t read book every day
(?) = do/does + S + VI + O
Example : does he read book every day?
Do you read book every day?
Nominal sentence :
(+) = S + is/am/are + complement (adverb, noun, adjective)
Example : you are smart.
She is smart
(-) = S + is/am/are + Not + complement
Example : you are not smart
She is not smart
(?) = is/am/are + S + Complement
Example : are you smart?
Is she smart?

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