Sabtu, 18 Mei 2013


1.  (as ) sharp as a tack = very intelligent
Example : Anna got a scholarship to Yale. She’s as sharp as a tack.
2.  When pigs fly! (slang) = never
Example : sure, I will give you my new laptop
3.  (to) not give a hoot = to not care about
Example : tom likes to walk around town in his pajamas, he doesn’t give  a hoot what people  think
4.  (to) Cut class = to miss class without an excuse
Example : ted often cuts class to spend more time with his girlfriend
5.  (to ) drive one crazy = to annoy someone very much
Ex : please stop chewing gum so loudly. It’s driving me crazy
6.  Gung ho = very enthusiastic ; very excited (about  something)
Ex : Sharon is really loves college. She’s very gung ho
7.  ( to be) crazy about = to like very much
Ex : Amy is so crazy about golf, she’d like to play every day
8.  (to be) down in the dumps = to feel sad; to feel depressed
Ex : it’s not surprising that Lisa down in the dumps. Paws, the cat she had for 20 years, just died
9.  (to) make a bundle = to make a lot of money
Ex : Sara made a bundle selling her old fur coats on eBay, a website where you can buy and sell used things.
10.                                                             Out of this world = delicious
Ex : mmm I love your chicken soup. It’s out of this world.

References : 
Amy Gillet. 2004. Speak English Like An American. USA : Language Success Press

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