Sabtu, 18 Mei 2013


1.     Present perfect tense
Present perfect tense used to express to action that began at the time in the past and not continuing until now. E.g :
1.      They have written a letter
2.      Amir has taken my pencil
The present perfect tense often uses adverb, example :
Since january
Since 1993
Since i left school
For a week
So far
For three days
Up to now
For an hour
For six years

The formula of present perfect tense
Verbal sentence
(+) = S + Have/has + V3 + O
Example : she has done her assignment
(-) = S + have/has +not +V3+ O
Example : she has not her assignment
(?) = has/have + she + V3+ O
Example : has she done her assignment?
Nominal sentence
(+) = S + have/ has + been + complement
Example : we have been successful
(-) = S + have/ has+ not + been + complement
Example : we have not been successful
(?) = have/ has + S+ been + complement
Example : have we been successful?

Present continous tense

1.     Present continous tense
Present contionous tense is used to :
1.      Express an action happening  now, e.g :
§  Budi is listening to the radio at present
§  I am buying a pen
§  It is raining now
2.      A temporary action which may not be actually happening at the time of speaking. E.g:
§  I am writing my thesis
(but i am not writing thesis at this moment)
§  Annisa is writing her final assignment
3.      Express for an action that is planned for future :
§  The tourist are traveling to bali tommorow
§  She is leaving for  surabaya tommorow
The simple present tense often uses with adverbial of time, adverbial of place, adverbial of frequency, etc. E.g :
This evening
This afternoon
At this moment
At present
this morning, etc

There are some verb can’t use in this tenses, example :
a.       See, hear, smell, notice, etc
b.      Want, desire, refuse, forgive, hate, etc
c.       Remember, think, know, belief, forget, mind, etc
d.      Own, owe, belong, possess, etc
The formula of present continous tense

 (+ ) = S + is/am/are + Vingb + O
Example : i am writing a letter to my parents now
(- ) = S + is/am/are+ not + Ving + O
Example : i am not writing a letter to my parents now
(?) = is/am/are + S + Ving + O
Example : am i writing a letter to my parents now?


1.    Simple Present tense
Present tense is used to :
1.      Express habitual action, e.g :
§  Ali always goes to school every day.
§  We usually study at night
§  They come to my house on Sunday
§  He often plays chess at noon
2.      Express general truth, e.g :
§  The universe is ruled by God
§  A year has twelve month
§  The earth revolved around the sun
3.      Express happen all the time :
§  Mary sings beautifully
§  The dogs bark loudly
§  She seems to be very tired to day
§  I work hard at home
The simple present tense often uses with adverbial of time, adverbial of place, adverbial of frequency, etc. E.g :
At night
On Sunday
Twice a week
Every week
Every day
Here, there

The formula of simple present tense :

Verbal sentence
(+) =  S + VI + O
         For the 3rd person singular (he, she, it), we add s to the main verb or es to the auxiliary.
Example : he  reads book every day
You read book every day
(-) = S + do/does + Not + O
Example : he doesn’t read book every day
You don’t read book every day
(?) = do/does + S + VI + O
Example : does he read book every day?
Do you read book every day?
Nominal sentence :
(+) = S + is/am/are + complement (adverb, noun, adjective)
Example : you are smart.
She is smart
(-) = S + is/am/are + Not + complement
Example : you are not smart
She is not smart
(?) = is/am/are + S + Complement
Example : are you smart?
Is she smart?


1.  (as ) sharp as a tack = very intelligent
Example : Anna got a scholarship to Yale. She’s as sharp as a tack.
2.  When pigs fly! (slang) = never
Example : sure, I will give you my new laptop
3.  (to) not give a hoot = to not care about
Example : tom likes to walk around town in his pajamas, he doesn’t give  a hoot what people  think
4.  (to) Cut class = to miss class without an excuse
Example : ted often cuts class to spend more time with his girlfriend
5.  (to ) drive one crazy = to annoy someone very much
Ex : please stop chewing gum so loudly. It’s driving me crazy
6.  Gung ho = very enthusiastic ; very excited (about  something)
Ex : Sharon is really loves college. She’s very gung ho
7.  ( to be) crazy about = to like very much
Ex : Amy is so crazy about golf, she’d like to play every day
8.  (to be) down in the dumps = to feel sad; to feel depressed
Ex : it’s not surprising that Lisa down in the dumps. Paws, the cat she had for 20 years, just died
9.  (to) make a bundle = to make a lot of money
Ex : Sara made a bundle selling her old fur coats on eBay, a website where you can buy and sell used things.
10.                                                             Out of this world = delicious
Ex : mmm I love your chicken soup. It’s out of this world.

References : 
Amy Gillet. 2004. Speak English Like An American. USA : Language Success Press

Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

Imam Syafi'I rahimahullah Membagi Bid'ah

#Imam Syafi'I rahimahullah Membagi Bid'ah#

Oleh: Ustadz Abu Yahya Badrusalam, Lc

Imam Syafi'I berkata: "Bid'ah ada dua macam: bid'ah yang terpuji dan bid'ah yang tercela. Bid'ah terpuji adalah yang sesuai dengan al qur'an, sunnah dan atsar shahabat. Dan bila menyalahi al qur'an, sunnah dan atsar shahabat maka ia adalah bid'ah yang tercela ". 

Inilah sandaran para fans bid'ah hasanah .. Namun dalam prakteknya, jauh dari pemahaman imam besar ini.Buktikan saja !

Imam Syafi'i menganggap ma'tam (tahlilan) sebagai bid'ah dlolalah .. Mereka berkata: bid'ah hasanah .. 

Imam Syafi'i menganggap ibadah sambil memukul rebana dan goyang kepala sebagai bid'ah dlolalah .. Mereka berkata: bid 'ah hasanah .. Dan sebagainya .. 

Mereka juga menyalahi pemahaman para ulama syafi'iyah .. 

Imam Nawawi menganggap shalat nisfu sya'ban sebagai bid'ah dlolalah .. 
Mereka malah menganggapnya bid'ah hasanah .. 

Imam ibnu hajar menganggap imsak sebagai bid'ah dlolalah .. Mereka malah ngotot mengatakan bid'ah hasanah .. 

Jadi apakah perkataan Imam Syafi'i yang salah? Atau pemahaman mereka yang aneh?? Coba sejenak kita perhatikan contoh yang diberikan imam Syafi'i.

Contoh bid'ah terpuji menurut beliau adalah pengumpulan al qur'an .. 
Contoh bid'ah tercela adalah ma'tam (tahlilan). 

Apa yang membedakan keduanya?? Padahal sama-sama tidak ada di zaman Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam ... 

Coba anda tanya diri Anda: bila al qur'an tidak dikumpulkan, apa yang akan terjadi ? Bahaya besar untuk islam .. 

Tapi bila tahlilan tidak dilakukan? Maka tidak ada pengaruh untuk islam, meskipun pengaruh buat kantong para pembimbing tahlilan .

Tanya lagi: mengapa Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam tidak mengumpulkan al qur'an di zamannya? Jawabnya karena masih ada penghalangnya, yaitu al qur'an masih terus menerus turun. 

Mampukah Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam tahlilan? Tentu mampu .. pendorongnya pun ada yaitu memberikan manfaat buat si mayat 

Tapi kenapa Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam tinggalkan? 
Ini menunjukkan bahwa perbuatan tersebut tidak disyari'atkan ..