Jumat, 12 Juli 2013

Essay : The Negative Effect of Homeschooling

According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Homeschooling is the teaching of children at home, usually by parents.  Ella Yulaelawati (Depdiknas) states that homeschooling is an educational system is focused and organized to the children by parents or family and the condition and situation  is more conducive . Actually attendance at homeschooling in Indonesia had been organized by government in  Article 7 of the Indonesian education law (Undang-Undang No. 20/2003) gives parents the right to select how to educate their child. There are some definitions about homeschooling nevertheless no one specific definition of homeschooling as it ends up being the decision of the person or organization using the word on how to use it.

Homeschooling is a legal option for parents in many countries including to Indonesia. A psychologist, Seto Mulyadi states that there are many problems why parents choose  homeschooling to their children such as psychology problem, economic problem, and geographic problem. Moreover some parents who are not satisfied by the teaching methods in public schools, no religion instruction in public school. Therefore parents think that homeschooling is better than a public school, especially for children’s development. However  there are some negative effects of homeschooling.

The first negative effect of homeschooling is lack of socialization. Daniel goleman states that human basic characteristic is doing socialization. In homeschooling, the children will  do socialization such as going to the supermarket, mall, park, and visiting neighbor. However it is not enough for them.  All children need relationship with their peers accordingly less socialized will effect children’s development. Moreover the other negative effect of homeschooling is the children can’t afford to do teamwork, organization, and  leading. Based on the research from Dr. Brian Ray, one of the famous researcher about homeschooling, he said that homeschooling had been trend in many countries in the world. Increasing of amount homeschooling students is caused education system is failure in US which can’t fulfill industry and business necessity. As the result many students of informal school cannot be ready to work in the firm. The negative effect that the children face is motivation. Homeschooling can’t make the children to encourage for competition whereas they should compete to be the best with their friends. While public schools is the place which can train the children  for competition.

The next negative effect is the cost. Public schools are cheaper than homeschooling. In homeschooling parents purchase newest curriculum and teaching tools, it can be very expensive. Parents may choose to use a paid homeschooling program, such programs may have added benefits. Parents also provide the equipment like project materials, stationary, many books, computer software and field trips. Not only that, if parents cannot teach their children well, they should pay tutors to teach their children. consequently it will spend money a lot. In addition, there is one more the negative effect of homeschooling is lack of facilities. It is impossible if equipment’s homeschooling as complete as public schools. For classes that require experiments like physics and chemistry, it can be hard to get all the necessary chemicals, materials, apparatus, and so on. The home must be also lack of sport facilities such as field, swimming pool, and gyms.

In conclusion, there are some negative effects of homeschooling. It is important to remember and know about negative of homeschooling for parents because the education of children  is one of the key responsibilities of a parent, and they must think very carefully before removing their children from public school into homeschooling. Therefore parents should know what their children need in their education.      


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